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Talk about our work with others. Like us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. When you buy online please do so through 'Easy fundraising': it costs you nothing, but when you buy, online companies like Sainsburys and John Lewis donate a small amount to our cause. Every little helps! And of course, if you can, please donate. Your generosity can make a difference to the lives of children. |
Could you have a good time and raise money for Playgrounds for Palestine UK at the same time? Please let us know if you would like to help - we would love to hear from you. Some ideas are below, with thanks to all those who have worked hard to fundraise on our behalf. |
Could you work with others in your workplace or community to raise the funds to build your ‘own’ playground in Palestine, named for you? Involving everyone builds morale and helps establish a community or team spirit, whilst helping others. The equipment for each playground is about £12K. |
Together we can dream. Together we can help to make the lives of children just that little bit better.
Here are just some of our fundraising events.
Here are just some of our fundraising events.
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